Government & Politics

Cutting Costs and Alienating People With New Jersey Governor Chris Christie

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is a hard man to love. Since taking the state’s top office in January, Christie has managed to tick off state workers at all levels. His “tough-love” budget cuts and ultra-conservative fiscal approach has raised the ire of teachers, school employees, public servants, police officers and elected officials, including some… Continue reading Cutting Costs and Alienating People With New Jersey Governor Chris Christie

Family matters

Hungry Bears Drop By For A Backyard Picnic

I took our dogs out around 10 pm recently when our Chihuahua started barking her head off. She stared at a spot beyond our fence, near the garage cans. I couldn’t see anything…just shifting black shadows against a black background. And then I saw a dim patch of tan fur. I grabbed the Chihuahua under… Continue reading Hungry Bears Drop By For A Backyard Picnic

Autism · Family matters

What’s For Dinner? Baked Cell Phone and Steamed Dad

My son’s name is Rocco, but Conan the Destroyer would be more apt. The boy has an appetite for destruction, and he’s always hungry. Rocco’s autism is a factor in his destructive behavior. He often uses items in inappropriate ways, like raiding my wallet and using the credit cards in an origami display (the plastic… Continue reading What’s For Dinner? Baked Cell Phone and Steamed Dad

Family matters · Media & Journalism

Nancy Grace. Ghoul. Monster. Homewrecker.

There are lots of things that can hurt a marriage; financial problems, infidelity, differences in religion, differences in parenting, differences of opinion. In our house one of the biggest marital strains is another woman; a woman who comes into our home every night at ten o’clock. Her name is Nancy Grace. Nancy Grace has a… Continue reading Nancy Grace. Ghoul. Monster. Homewrecker.

On Writing · Pop Culture & Social Trends

Publishing’s Future: Toss the Bookshelf, Keep the Books

 Books are beautiful. Their construction is so basic — paper, ink, glue, and cardboard. But each is a doorway into another time and space, alternate dimensions both real and imagined. It doesn’t matter if you’re reading true crime, historical fiction, or a cookbook; all are woven from the fabric of the human condition. Books are… Continue reading Publishing’s Future: Toss the Bookshelf, Keep the Books

Pop Culture & Social Trends

Uncourteous Interruptus, or Why Kayne West Is Still A Dick

The world used to be a more civilized, more respectful, more courteous place. Now, extreme displays of public rudeness are becoming commonplace and an icy aloofness toward your fellow man has become the norm. The Age of the Asshole Need examples? You don’t have to look far. Joe Wilson, a Republican Congressman from South Carolina… Continue reading Uncourteous Interruptus, or Why Kayne West Is Still A Dick

On Writing · Pop Culture & Social Trends

My Awkward Brush with Greatness: Meeting Kurt Vonnegut

There was an old guy wandering around the lobby of the office building where I work. He looked vaguely familiar, but I didn’t place him until the desk clerk called his name. “Hey…aren’t you Kurt Vonnegut?” It was Kurt Vonnegut. He looked the same as he did on the back cover of my copy of… Continue reading My Awkward Brush with Greatness: Meeting Kurt Vonnegut