Bestsellers · Book Review · Horror · Thriller

Doctor Sleep by Stephen King

Stephen King brings these things upon himself. It isn’t fair to compare his latest novel, Doctor Sleep, with his landmark work, The Shining. But comparisons are inevitable — Doctor Sleep is a sequel to The Shining. Critics will rightfully say, “Doctor Sleep is okay, but it isn’t as good as The Shining.” But how could… Continue reading Doctor Sleep by Stephen King

Pop Culture & Social Trends

How To Stop Adult Bullies? Man Up! Ladies, Too!

Miami Dolphins guard Richie Incognito is a meathead jock. He can’t distinguish between bullying and camaraderie— an unfortunate situation that has existed in team locker rooms for ages. But Incognito’s teammate/victim on the Miami Dolphins, Jonathan Martin, is acting like a ninny. Sure, being a professional football player is a high-pressure job, both on and… Continue reading How To Stop Adult Bullies? Man Up! Ladies, Too!