Book Review · Horror · Literary Fiction · Short Story Collection / Single Author · Supernatural Thriller

And Her Smile Will Untether The Universe By Gwendolyn Kiste

Gwendolyn Kiste has a wonderful way with words. In her hands they are beautiful and savage, comforting and terrifying, heart-wrenching and healing. And Her Smile Will Untether The Universe contains some true gems, tales thick with atmosphere and murky mood. “Evening settles softly on the orchard like black tar dripping from the sky” and later,… Continue reading And Her Smile Will Untether The Universe By Gwendolyn Kiste

Book Review · Horror · Novels · Supernatural Thriller

Chills by Mary SanGiovanni

Kathy Ryan has problems. Her brother is a psychopath who tried to kill her when they were young, and now a band of cultists have unleashed an otherworldly invasion on the otherwise quiet town of Colby, Connecticut. Kathy is also emotionally drained from her job battling supernatural monsters. Guarding the inter-dimensional gateway against ancient intruders… Continue reading Chills by Mary SanGiovanni

Book Review · Horror · Novels · Supernatural Thriller

What Do Monsters Fear? by Matt Hayward

What do monsters fear? Responsibility. Withdrawal symptoms. Owning up to their past mistakes. One of the recovering addicts in Matt Hayward’s creep-fest What Do Monsters Fear? sums up the plot in a few well-chosen words: “Three strung-out fucks are gonna stop an ancient evil god?” Hell, yeah, they are! Because the ancient evil god—a body-snatching baddie… Continue reading What Do Monsters Fear? by Matt Hayward

Bestsellers · Book Review · Horror · Literary Fiction · Novels · Personal Favorites · Religious horror · Supernatural Thriller · Thriller

A Head Full Of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay

Paul Tremblay’s A Head Full Of Ghosts is a beautiful novel, a post-modern tale of demonic possession that leaves you questioning where truth lies in our surreal/unreal world. Publisher William Morrow sums up A Head Full Of Ghosts: The lives of the Barretts, a normal suburban New England family, are torn apart when fourteen-year-old Marjorie… Continue reading A Head Full Of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay

Book Review · Ebooks · Horror · Novellas · Novels · Personal Favorites · Supernatural Thriller

Header and Creekers by Edward Lee

There is something beautiful and poetic about  the splatterpunk redneck fiction on display in Edward Lee‘s novella Header (1995) and the long-form novel Creekers (1994). Lee’s redneck horror pays homage to Richard Laymon‘s novels of backwoods terror as well as James Dickey‘s classic, Deliverance. Lee’s work is violent and nasty, but his pacing and dialogue are… Continue reading Header and Creekers by Edward Lee

Book Review · Crime Fiction · Horror · Mystery / Suspense · Short Story Collection / Single Author · Supernatural Thriller

The Imago Sequence and Other Stories by Laird Barron

Laird Barron writes weird. Barron is a good writer, but the stories contained in his collection, The Imago Sequence  and Other Stories, are sometimes hard to figure. You’ll need a dictionary, good map skills, and a working knowledge of mythology, world religions, philosophy, horror fiction, and crime pulps to make heads or tails of these… Continue reading The Imago Sequence and Other Stories by Laird Barron

Book Review · Horror · Mystery / Suspense · Novels · Supernatural Thriller

Harvest Home by Thomas Tryon

Is corn scary? It is a rather bizarre plant. It grows tall and fast and has vaguely human qualities, like corn-silk hair and ears. I never really thought corn was scary, until I read Stephen King‘s Children of the Corn as a teenager. King made corn creepy. But before King conjured the Children of the… Continue reading Harvest Home by Thomas Tryon

Book Review · Fantasy · Novels · Personal Favorites · Series · Supernatural Thriller

The Book of Paul by Richard Long

 I didn’t know what to expect when I dove into Richard Long’s debut novel, The Book of Paul, other than Stephen King endorsed it and the novel was billed as “ a paranormal thriller.” Based on the cover, I figured The Book of Paul was a mythology-based tale of pirates for young adult readers. The skeleton… Continue reading The Book of Paul by Richard Long

Book Review · Horror · Novels · Series · Supernatural Thriller · Thriller

The Twelve by Justin Cronin

The Twelve is a well-written action thriller, a good, solid novel. But it doesn’t hold a candle to The Passage, the first book in author Justin Cronin’s post-apocalyptic vampire series. The Twelve suffers from the same “middle child syndrome” that plagues so may “Book 2s” in a trilogy series. It’s neither a beginning, nor an… Continue reading The Twelve by Justin Cronin

Bestsellers · Book Review · Ebooks · Horror · Mystery / Suspense · Novels · Supernatural Thriller

Horns by Joe Hill

Every single one of us has got the devil inside, and nobody knows it better than Ignatius Parrish the narrator of Joe Hill’s novel Horns. Ig wakes after a night of sorrowful drinking to find he’s grown horns on top of his head. Worse yet, the horns bring out the worst in everyone Ig encounters.… Continue reading Horns by Joe Hill