Autism · Family matters · Non-fiction · Parenting

New Book Coming March 27th! Autism Dad 3!

My new book, Autism Dad 3: Life Skills & Life Lessons: Preparing Our Special-Needs Child For Adulthood,  comes out March 27. Order it here! Teenagers with autism need life skills and job training. Life Skills & Life Lessons: Autism Dad 3 is a personal memoir told with humor and grace that looks at the unique challenges… Continue reading New Book Coming March 27th! Autism Dad 3!

Autobiography · Book Review · Essay

On Writing – A Memoir Of The Craft by Stephen King

I recently downloaded a digital edition of Stephen King’s On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft after reading the hardcover more than a decade ago. I planned on skimming my ebook edition, looking for a few pointers, but I was immediately drawn in by Big Steve’s affable style, and I wound up re-reading the book in its… Continue reading On Writing – A Memoir Of The Craft by Stephen King