Education · Family matters · On Writing · Social trends · Technology

Curtain closing on cursive writing

The written word is dying. Like dodo birds and dinosaurs, handwriting is facing extinction. Approximately 46 states have adopted the new Common Core Standards, a set of educational guidelines that do not require cursive writing as part of the school curriculum. Many school districts around the country are already starting to phase out handwriting courses.… Continue reading Curtain closing on cursive writing

Family matters · Parenting · Satire

Do you hear what I hear? Probably not

“I need you to bring this dirty laundry down to the basement,” my wife said. “Move the stuff that’s in the washer to the dryer, and bring up the clean clothes that are down on the folding table.” “Yeah, yeah,” I replied, grabbing the laundry basket and heading down. “And don’t forget to separate the… Continue reading Do you hear what I hear? Probably not

Education · Social trends

College Daze: Is Higher Education Worth The Cost?

Is it worth going to college? The answer used to be an unequivocal “yes” — college grads got better jobs and better pay than non-graduates. But the job market is different today. The cost of getting an education has risen dramatically, while the job market has shrunk. Many young graduates find themselves with thousands —… Continue reading College Daze: Is Higher Education Worth The Cost?