Education · Social trends

College Daze: Is Higher Education Worth The Cost?

Is it worth going to college? The answer used to be an unequivocal “yes” — college grads got better jobs and better pay than non-graduates. But the job market is different today. The cost of getting an education has risen dramatically, while the job market has shrunk. Many young graduates find themselves with thousands —… Continue reading College Daze: Is Higher Education Worth The Cost?

Education · Parenting · Pop Culture & Social Trends

College safe zones degrade higher learning

Colleges and universities were once hotbeds of creative ideas and free expression. Students used to question abuse, question authority. Today, students request “safe zones” so they can protest “offensive” Halloween costumes, and insensitive emails. St. Louis University is one of several institutions of higher learning where designated safe spaces are a perceived necessity among minority… Continue reading College safe zones degrade higher learning